Here are some of my projects, both academic and personal.Click on the images to download attached files.
Dashboard developped in a ERPsim serious-game context. The need was calculating the Planned Independent Requirements of finished products starting from historial consumptions, so as to insert this data on SAP and compute optimal purchase orders for raw materials.
Making this website was a good chance to satisfy my curiosty about webdesign tools, methods and sources.
Development of a dashboard and implementation of different algorithms in order to compare and find the best delivering path.
Project I undertook after completing an online Python course to test this genial coding language. The result is a very simple local database of materials, but it got me to have a first sneakpeak on pandas and datascience.
Development of 4 tools to solve 4 typical airport problems. For this project, carried out in couple with a class mate, we enhanced our coding skills and our knowledge of Excel's powerful features.
Group project that aimed at building the virtual assembly line of a multicopter's rotor. The work couldn't be completed, but nevertheless we could greately improve both our technical and interpersonal skills.
Development of a knowledgebase of internal best-practices by which users could get quick access to the enterprise’s work procedures. My collegue and I had the goal of evaluating the actual convenience of this product for the company.
Transcription, page-setting and enrichment of organic chemistry class notes, guided and supervised by prof. Giorgio Baioni, the responsible of the course. This work covered a two-years program, involving all the main organic compounds and their typical reactions.